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a delusion of home

i'm afraid i'll never fit into the framed silhoutte of the false paragons you desire

i'm so fucked in the head can't you see

i'm not her, the epitome of perfection

i bleed words not sweat, i bleed tears not smiles

which often turn into

stifled screams you'll never hear

wouldnt want to be another scathing mad woman from the folklore

the tales of a paradox, the paradigms of the edge of madness

that i almost always slip into.

i felt good about you till my words turned into smoke

and you were just a fragment of my spec, a delusion of home

who'll walk away, leaving a trail across my heart

after you've touched every part of me

that i wont seem to want somebody else

to stain the marks you leave across my skin.

i'm made of glass but do you ever see through

the creases of the sheets of my unmade bed

the red trickling down the mirror, to the overflowing sink

of the bridges i burnt that led me to you, the poisoned waters i was drowning in

i'm made of glass but do you ever care to see through

i'm not fragile, i won't break apart

but when you try to fix the cracks with pieces of yourself

as if you're trying to add me to your trophies on the top shelf

what if i trip over the edge, and the pieces fall apart

would you pick me up, build me back again from the start

or I'd be just another collateral damage and you'll get me replaced

with another glass frame that fits your taste?

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